nr. 008 - 28 augustus t/m 3 september 2000

Alle nieuwe links van afgelopen week, gesorteerd op rubriek !

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Interviewserie in Trouw: politici en emancipatie, oftewel leer en leven

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  Emancipatiebeleid / Links
  • Haag : de internetgids voor politiek Den Haag. Met de rubrieken Aktueel (kort Haags nieuws), Documenten (links naar brieven, nota's, etc.), Haagse taal (afkortingen, begrippen, jargon), Personen (bewindslieden, Kamerleden, e.a.), Geschiedenis (verkiezingen, kabinetsformaties), Www (links naar tientallen websites), Dossiers (achtergronden bij aktuele thema's), De Stemming (de mening van lezers gepeild), Boeken (boekenlijst, recensies), Instanties (instellingen, adviesraden), Staatsinrichting (het Nederlands staatsbestel), Kaart (de politieke kaart van Den Haag).
  Verenigde Staten
  • National Council for Research on Women - The National Council for Research on Women, founded in 1981, is a working alliance of 92 women's research and policy centers, more than 3,000 affiliates and a network of over 200 international centers. NCRW's mission is to enhance the connections among research, policy analysis, advocacy, and innovative programming on behalf of women and girls.
  • The Purple Berets is a grassroots, in-your-face, women's rights group dedicated to gaining equal justice for women. We work as advocates for women who are victims of sexual assault and domestic violence and we do direct action political organizing to make system-wide change to give women acces to justice.
  • Feminist Majority Foundation online

    • The name Feminist Majority is a consciousness-raiser, inspired by a Newsweek/Gallup public opinion poll that showed the majority of women (56%) in the United States self-identified as feminists. Most polls since then reveal that this majority continues with over two-thirds of young women self-identifying as feminists. Most men, especially young men, view themselves as supporters of the women's rights movement.

    • What is a Feminist Anyway? Our definition of feminism is simple yet broad: "the policy, practice or advocacy of political, economic, and social equality for women." A feminist is any person -- woman or man, girl or boy -- who advocates feminism. The Feminist Majority Foundation views feminism as a global movement dedicated to equality and seeks to eliminate discrimination of all kinds -- sex, race, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, disability, and marital status. And, like feminists since the late 19th Century, we advocate non-violence and work to eliminate social and economic injustice.
  • Women's Enews  is a project of the Women, Policy and Media Program of NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund. [...] The goal of Women's Enews is to provide a professional news service to the public and the media, policy makers and opinion shapers, covering the news about issues of importance to women. Our reporters and editors adhere to the highest journalistic standards. Our stories probe policy and politics, business and culture, from the perspectives of women's interests and priorities. Through our news coverage, we bring new voices to the dialogue on public policy and practices. We also provide to our members a database of experts on a wide variety of topics of importance to women, ranging from child care to Medicare, which we call WE-Sources.
  Nieuwe rubriekjes
  • In het groen (openingspagina): een nieuw rubriekje "Klein vuil" met om te beginnen:
Sylvia's alive and well ! Nicole Hollander's cartoon verschijnt dagelijks op de site van Women's E-news. Wijlen Feministische uitgeverij Sara bracht in de jaren tachtig een aantal bundels uit, daarna waren we afhankelijk van het toeval.
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