Emancipatiebeleid Rijksoverheid
  Links naar Nederlandse sites
 Links naar buitenlandse sites

Met veel dank aan  Loeke Jansen, die het leeuwendeel van onderstaande links opspoorde ! 

 Links naar internationale sites
  • Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
  • European WomenAction 2000 - European WomenAction 2000 is an information and communication network for advocates of women's rights in Europe and North America and Israel. It is hosted by the International Information Centre and Archives for the Women's movement. In June 2000, the United Bastions will review the agreements made at the 4th World Conference on Women - the so-called Beijing + 5 review. Women in Europe, North America and Israel are invited to use European WomenAction 2000 to prepare for and participate in that process.
  • WomenWatch is de speciale VN-website voor "the Advancement and Empowerment of Women".